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Do what makes you Happy and Healthy

I launched Pilates for Real People online in January 2018 to give my live class members to access classes anywhere and anytime, since this time we have added Strength, HIIT, Freestyle Yoga, tailored stretch sessions and a selection of beautiful Mindfulness classes. As the site grew, I made the decision to rebrand, and Happy & Healthy with Lorraine officially launched Nov 2022

This was always and will always be about making exercise accessible and fun for everyone. Whenever I see your reviews and feedback my heart sings and I will strive to continue our quest for a Happy and Healthy life.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your support and friendship.

Lorraine x

Become a part of our community

Improve posture

Pilates can help you become more flexible and help you tone your body.

Improve your wellbeing

Combining Pilates, Strength and Relaxation we offer a full body experience concentrating on both your physical and mental health.

Choose your classes

Access our highest quality classes and programs starting from beginners to advanced levels.

Affordable for all

Over 40 classes to choose from, from as little as £9.99 per month.

Friendly community

Join wonderful community of Pilates, Fitness and Yoga members doing what makes them Happy & Healthy.

Professional support

Lorraine has over 30 years in the fitness industry and has built up a reputation to be proud of.

Are you ready to be Happy & Healthy?