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The dream...

In 2014 I had an idea to do a number of challenges to raise money for the RSPCA.

With no real plan we started to look at what we could do involving clients and friends and raising as much money as possible. I finally decided on 9 challenge’s with a target of £2000.

Due to peoples amazing support that target changed from £2k, to £3k, £5k, £8 and what I thought would be the final target of £10,000 which we had hit after Kilimanjaro!

Fast forward to 2024...

I’ve completed my biggest challenge Everest Base camp for the RSPCA. This year I will be guiding teams across the Yorkshire 3 Peaks as we raise money for our local dog rescue

I have lost count of how many amazing adventures we have had; we have cycled from London to Paris, ran London marathon twice, York Marathon 3 times, swam across the Humber estuary, scaled Commando Ridge, walked, ran and wheeled over the bridge with kids, dogs and families, hiked the Welsh 3000’, the 3 peaks, 10 peaks, climbed Kilimanjaro and Everest Base Camp and Hosted a number of charity evenings. Phew!  To date we have raised a mind blowing £35,000 and I could not be more grateful to everyone who has donated.

My love of animals and animal welfare has always been a big part of my life, I havebeen vegetarian for over 30 years and fully vegan for the last 14. I hope that I am able to inspire those wishing to follow a more plant-based diet that you can do so and be fit and healthy.

The Original 9 Challenges

May 2014

20k Hike

May 2014

Las Vegas Sky Dive

May 2014

Santa Barbara Half Marathon

June 2014

Hull 10k

June 2014

5k Lake Windermere

June 2014

Yorkshire Peaks

August 2014

Yorkshire Tough Mudder

September 2014

Lake District 10 Peaks

April 2015



Where next?

Are you ready to be Happy & Healthy?